Disease Advocacy Organization (DAO) Manual

From WikiAdvocacy

The following is the overview your DAO would have to take to successfully setup and launch a White Label Package connected through the PEER portal


Initial Consultation with Genetic Alliance

To be updated...



Setting up the PEER Portal

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Pre-Outreach Efforts

Katherine - move Renee content

PEER Portal Design Decisions

To be updated...

Content and User Interface(UI)

Katherine - wait for new system?

Videos & Guides Development


Survey Questions and Development


Question Formatting


Using the PEER Questions Manager


Editing Survey Questions


Setting Up User Support System (Customer Support)


Selected Audience Survey Testing

Now that you've implemented your survey using PEER Admin, you're ready to start testing the survey inside of your PEER Portal. This section provides a step-by-step overview of this process. Let's get started!

You will complete testing in two phases. Phase I Testing, which takes place within your organization prior to preparing for portal launch, will enable you to identify and address any content errors in your survey, as well as general system errors. Phase II testing, which takes place with members of your community directly before launch, will allow you to incorporate real user feedback before launching your portal.

Please note that testing your survey is an iterative process of finding items to change and fixing them. Depending on the length of your survey and the number of changes that need to be made after the initial pass, testing and incorporating feedback may take some time. On average, testing takes one to two weeks total, not including time in between phases.

Before Phase I Testing

Checkpoint: What needs to be accomplished prior to moving on to Phase I Testing? Please make sure you've accomplished the following items!

You should have...

  • Received IRB approval' for your project.
  • Implemented your finalized survey content', including PEER Common Data Instruments and your own organization's questions, using the PEER Questions Manager.
  • Finalized the future location of your PEER Portal, and entered this information into PEER Admin. Remember, you need two different locations on your website for your demo portal and your live portal. Your demo portal, which is an exact replica of your live portal, allows you to test and view your portal without interfering with data collection.
  • Completed portal customization within PEER Admin. You should have entered guide information, and chosen your PEER color scheme.
  • Installed your demo PEER Portal by inserting your demo portal code (available following portal customization) on your demo webpage.
  • Assigned a “Point Person” within your organization to liaise with the PEER Team throughout the testing process.


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Full Outreach and Community Engagement

Erika adapting Renee

Research & Data

To be updated...

Additional Surveys & Updates

To be updated...

User Support

Wayne (eventually)